President’s Message
By Samantha Bennett
NSNC President
Meanwhile, the board is also sifting through and analyzing the results of the recent membership survey. One consistently hot topic among NSNC membership is the Web site, and new Vice President Ben Pollock (a stalwart and engaged NSNC leader who is both full of ideas and practical about implementing them) has asked me to call for volunteers for a committee for revising the Web site.
Their first task will be to analyze the good and bad of our site as well as the most appropriate formats and widgets we can, er, glean from other sites. The second task might be to open each page of our site and cut-and-paste copy onto a corresponding page on the new design. That may not turn out to be necessary, but it could be part of the job.
As well as Ben, volunteers will be working with WebEditor Sheila Moss. Ben’s looking for one or two people who are Web-savvy and technically inclined, and one or two who aren’t particularly Web savvy to keep the techies from making things more complicated than they need to be.
This will most likely be doable entirely by e-mail, so come out, come out, wherever you are. To get the ball rolling and get involved, just e-mail Ben:
Your NSNC needs you!