By Suzette Martinez Standring
Past President, NSNC

Lately, she’s been on my mind. She is a long-time regular at the NSNC annual conferences. I picture her: a welcoming smile, a chipper spirit, slightly stooped wearing an outlandish red-white-and-blue flag dress. Offering a pat on the arm to anyone, Dorothy exudes that rare motherly encouragement of you-can-do-no-wrong.
Prior to the 2008 NSNC conference in New Orleans, Dorothy had sent me an update on her condition:
“My faithful band of friends and family who pray for me has been a great blessing. Just about a year ago a new X-ray showed the growth has changed some but in the wrong direction. However, I went through last year with no additional symptoms so those prayers have allowed me all these extra years and without pain. I am beginning my 5th year since the diagnosis of terminal cancer. What more could I ask? Bless you for thinking of me.”
Here we are, 2010, and recently I sent out an email blast about “It’s All Write With Suzette,” my new column writing show in Milton (MA), and I was very touched to hear from Dorothy. This was our exchange:
“Yours was the BEST email to receive. How happy I am to hear from you. How are you? Are you still writing a column? I’m going to the NSNC conference in a couple of weeks and I know Mike and Mardi Leonard worked hard as co-chairs and I’m sure the activities will be great!
My granddaughters are now 5 and 2 and life out here is very good. I hope the same holds true for you. You are one special lady who is a radiant example of someone whom God holds in his hand.”
Dorothy wrote back:
“How can I live up to those words you wrote? I do heartily agree that God has held me in his hands for 7 great years. I think He is about to pull me to another place. I have lost all my energy but other than depending more and more on oxygen I still have no pain. Indeed I am still doing two columns a week and the very last one is ready to send when the time comes. Title? What else after all these years “30”. I do miss the NSNC meetings and please give my best to all. Assure them my spirit is there. It would be so close for me but my traveling days are done. I have no doubt the group will continue onward and upward!”
Love, Dorothy
I shouldn’t cry because she hasn’t gone anywhere, but if ever a person moved forward in faith and was rewarded with pain-free time to continue sharing her purpose and gift, it¹s Dorothy Brush. I continue to learn from her.
Send Dorothy a greeting!
Her email is: Dorothy Brush