Trisha Blanchet’s New Book

Cow Crashed into the Moon is the interesting title of a new book by Trisha Blanchet. “You are not the worst mother in the world!” But don’t worry, you’ll get there,” says Trisha. And her new book can lead the way.

Moms don’t need advice. (We already get plenty of that.) We also don’t need “mommy wars,” hide-the-vegetable cookbooks, or “250 Craft Projects to Do When it Rains!” Please. If we did crafts every time it rained, our kitchen tables would be permanently coated with glitter glue. And let’s face it: Those cauliflower brownies aren’t fooling anyone.

But moms do need a break. Something quick and fun. Something we can pick up when Junior disappears to use the potty. Readers of Trisha Blanchet’s award-winning humor column get that break every weekend with a cup of coffee and the Sunday paper. The Cow Crashed into the Moon gathers all the fan favorites (along with lots of new and reliably warped insights) into one convenient package… perfect for fast reads in the laundry room. Or the bathroom. Or the closet. Or wherever you go when you’re feeling tempted to leave the kids out on the front lawn in a box marked “free to good home.”

“The Cow Crashed into the Moon perfectly captures the precious imperfections of raising small children. It’s a family platter of comedy that Blanchet serves up, slipped disc and all. Delicious!” – Suzette Martinez Standring, award-winning author of The Art of Column Writing: Insider Secrets from Art Buchwald, Dave Barry, Arianna Huffington, Pete Hamill and Other Great Columnists.

“Moms, get ready to breathe a big sigh of relief: It’s not just you! The Cow Crashed into the Moon is a sidesplitting and entertaining confirmation that being a mom is indeed hard, mind-boggling, and at times the funniest job in the world, especially if you can tell the tale like author Trisha Blanchet.” – Claudine Wolk, author of It Gets Easier! And Other Lies We Tell New Moms.


The Cow Crashed into the Moon is available at as a paperback and at the Kindle store as an e-book. For more information or to schedule an interview, contact Trisha Blanchet at 978-256-3901 or

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