May in Macon, the 36th annual conference of the National Society of Newspaper Columnists, has added a session on electronic books to its schedule.
2-2:45 p.m., Friday, May 4, 2012 — Turning the Page: E-Books and the Future of Print, with David Cassady, president of Faithlab, and Marc Jolley, director of Mercer University Press.
- David Cassady
David Cassady is president of Faithlab, a new firm offering publishing consulting, creative and technical services to congregations and non-profits. He brings more than 20 years of experience in publishing and holds a Ph.D. with a focus in curriculum development. David also teaches philosophy as an adjunct at Wesleyan College.
- Marc Jolley
Marc Jolley is director of Mercer University Press. He has been in publishing for 20 years, 17 years at Mercer, and holds a Ph.D. Marc is also a senior lecturer at Mercer University in the department of philosophy. He is also the author of Safe at Home: A Memoir of God, Baseball, and Family.
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You can get details on the conference at this page, which has a link to the registration form, and hotel and transportation information.
Also, we have a few seats available for columnists, bloggers and others to join the conference for those parts of the schedule that interest them. Reservations (which are required), and financial details (this is affordable) for whole days, half days or meals can be arranged by sending a message right away on NSNC’s contact form.