Century Aurora 16 movie theater in Aurora, Colo.
As the country mourns the tragic shooting in a movie theater early Friday, July 20, 2012, in Aurora, Colo., we’re also trying to think it through. Twelve people died and 58 were injured in the shooting at a midnight showing of the new Batman movie; a lone gunman is suspected.
We’re all talking about it. Many of us who are writers are setting fingers to keyboard and pens to paper.
We want to understand it.
Members of the National Society of Newspaper Columnists who are publishing columns and blogs about any aspect of the cinema attack are invited to share them here.
- “Hollywood Scene Turned Upside-Down,” Patrick Caneday’s Small Wonders in Glendale News-Press
- “Ticking” and “Aurora and the Unknown of Tomorrow,” Ralph Couey at Race the Sunset
- “Gabby Giffords’s Peak Photo Is Needed Relief,” Mary C. Curtis at She the People of The Washington Post
- “The Body Count,” Roger Ebert at Roger Ebert’s Journal
- “We’ve Seen This Movie Before,” Roger Ebert, The New York Times
- “When the Reporting’s Over, the Bad News Can Stick,” Bill Ervolino, The Record, Bergen, N.J.
- “Love Casts Out Fear,” Jennifer Grant at jennifergrant.com
- “How Much Ammunition?” Rick Horowitz, video column on his YesRick YouTube channel, broadcast January 2011 on Milwaukee Public Television, after the Giffords shooting, reissued this weekend because, he says, “Sadly, it’s not even a little bit out of date.”
- A Hard Thing to Know about America: James Holmes and a Nation of Dark Knights,” Philip Martin at blood, dirt & angels
- “Yelling ‘Fire’ in a Crowded Theater,” John Messeder in Dispatches from the Home Planet
- “A Dark Night Rises for Now,” Suzette Martinez Standring’s Spiritual Cafe of The Patriot Ledger
- “A Guide to Religion, Politics” (last item) and “Our Capacity for Evil,” Bill Tammeus at Bill’s Faith Matters Blog
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Only NSNC members in good standing will be linked.
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