Erma Bombeck
Teri Rizvi, founder of the Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop, writes:
Ahoy, writers!
Tim Bete, former EBWW director and author of Guide to Pirate Parenting, is one funny guy. If you missed his laugh-filled, insightful workshop, “How I Converted 7,000 Hours of Work into $10 Hard Cash and Then Turned a Single Stupid Idea Into $37,000,” don’t fret. You can now catch it [an hourlong lecture with slideshow] on YouTube.
We’re always looking for short how-to, humorous or inspirational pieces for the workshop blog. In July, author Ellie S. Grossman wrote about marketing yourself in the age of social media, and blogger Karen Crowley chronicled adventures in mommyhood and cancer survival.
Los Angeles humorist Judy Gruen, author of the newly released book Till We Eat Again: A Second Helping, [was August’s] Humor Writer of the Month. Visit our blog to find out who else is getting published.
The summer’s (and into the fall) EBWW Humor Writers of the Month include:
- May: Jerry Zezima
- June: Mike Farley
- July: Saralee Perel
- August: Judy Gruen
- September: Michele “Wojo” Wojciechowski
- October: Lisa Alcalay Klug
The EBWW’s YouTube channel, at youtube.com/BombeckWorkshop, has a number of entertaining and even educational videos.
To reach Teri Rizvi at the University of Dayton, for blog submission information as well as information about the site and the Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop, please find her email address on the workshop’s Contact Page.
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