Jeff Zaslow College Columnist Award Contest

Joel Brinkley
A letter from Joel Brinkley, NSNC Education Chair
I am writing to you as a member of the board of directors of the National Society of Newspaper Columnists. Each year, the NSNC Education Foundation sponsors a contest for columnists at collegiate newspapers.
First prize is a $1,000 scholarship. Second prize is $500. Third prize is $250.
In addition, the top winner will be the guest of the NSNC at its 2013 conference in Hartford, Conn., June 27 to 30. Airfare, hotel, shuttle and registration will be paid by the Foundation. The recipient is listed in a Hall of Fame.
Please help me get word of the contest by circulating and/or posting the flier and entry form.
The Jeff Zaslow College Columnist Award is open to undergraduates (including seniors) who write bylined general interest, editorial page or op-ed page columns for their campus newspaper, print or online. Sports columns, movie reviews, magazine columns and other specialized columns are not eligible. Students may submit no more than one entry, consisting of three columns.
There is no entry fee. Judges are professional newspaper columnists.
The deadline for entering the 2013 contest is March 1, 2013. The three sample columns must have been published or posted between March 1, 2012, and Feb. 28, 2013.
Entry forms are available for download here. For more information, contact me, NSNC Education Chair Joel Brinkley, by e-mail at or by phone at (650) 723-2504.
The National Society of Newspaper Columnists is America’s largest association of newspaper columnists, founded in 1977. The core mission of the Education Foundation arm of the NSNC is to foster training opportunities for newspaper columnists and others interested in column writing. Jeffrey Zaslow was the best-selling author and Wall Street Journal columnist who died in February 2012 in an auto accident at the age of 53.
Thank you for helping us inform student columnists about the Jeff Zaslow College Columnist Award Scholarship Contest.
Joel Brinkley
NSNC Education Chair
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