Underwriters of Hartford Convention Receive Substantial Recognition

Downtown Hartford, Conn.
Sponsorship opportunities are still available for the 37th annual conference of the National Society of Newspaper Columnists in Hartford, Conn., June 27-30, 2013. For more information, please complete our Contact Form right away.
We invite foundations, trade associations and nonprofits; and corporations, small businesses and individuals to consider this profound opportunity.
Underwriters may choose to host any of the four main meals held during the weekend-long educational seminar on writing and publishing in print and online. We also offer opportunities to host the two receptions and for assistance to cover operational expenses. Learn NSNC’s history here.
All donors receive recognition during the conference. Significant givers will see their company logo displayed here on the NSNC website. Meal and reception donors may display signage at the conference, and the opportunity for product and information placement on site as well.
Meal sponsors can place quarter- to full-page display ads in the conference program. The names and logos of meal sponsors will be in all published materials, such as publicity and press releases. Each luncheon and dinner sponsor is issued two VIP meal tickets with ample opportunity to meet the writers as well as our speakers and guests of honor.
Conference attendees comprise published columnists and bloggers from across North America and several from other countries. Their influence is significant. Contact us for the sponsor rate table, or with questions. Thank you.
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