Columnists and bloggers: Get ready for a rollicking time, as two top humorists — Jerry Zezima and Bill Ervolino — have accepted nominations to run for top spots at the National Society of Newspaper Columnists.
The NSNC board has accepted a slate of candidates for two-year terms plus a candidate to serve one year, due to a pending vacancy.
In accordance with the society’s by-laws, NSNC President Eric Heyl formed a nominating committee that he chaired. Its members were 2008-10 President Samantha Bennett, 2007 Conference Chair Stu Bykofsky, 2010-12 President Ben Pollock and 1992-94 President Bill Tammeus.
The panel accepted all board members who affirmed they want to continue serving until summer 2015, if re-elected at the annual general membership meeting, set for 9 a.m. EDT, Sunday, June 30, 2013, in Hartford, Conn. They are:
- Archivist: Dave Astor
- Membership chair: Rose Valenta
- Secretary: Wayne Chan
- Treasurer: Jim Casto

Bill Ervolino
Standing down will be Mike Deupree as contest chair. Bill Ervolino, humor columnist for The Record of northern New Jersey, is the nominee to succeed him.
Ervolino has written extensively about entertainment, books, health and lifestyle issues. He is the author of Some Kind of Wiseguy: Stories About Parents, Weddings, Modern Living and Growing Up Italian and a co-author of The Backstage Performing Artists Handbook and Italian American Authors on New Jersey. Ervolino, who joined The Record’s staff in 1990, has won many national awards for his writing, including the NSNC’s annual Column Contest (one first place and three other times as a finalist), and is active with several local charities, including Gilda’s Club Northern New Jersey.

Jerry Zezima
Archivist Astor plans to continue in that post but relinquish his term as 2012-14 vice president. Nominated as vice president to complete that term is Jerry Zezima, humor columnist for The Stamford (Conn.) Advocate, which is syndicated by McClatchy-Tribune News Service. Zezima is the author of Leave It to Boomer: A Look at Life, Love and Parenthood by the Very Model of the Modern Middle-Age Man.
As a chilling example of just how low journalistic standards have sunk in this country, Zezima has earned many honors, including seven Excellence in Journalism Awards for Humorous Writing from the New York City press club Society of the Silurians. He has been a finalist four times in the NSNC’s annual Column Contest. Zezima also has written for such magazines as Reader’s Digest and Family Circle. A public speaker and occasional stand-up comic, he also has written and recorded humorous commentaries for radio and television. He even has a blog. Zezima lives on Long Island with his wife. They have two daughters. They also have had a multitude of pets. If elected vice president, the columnist has an edge in the 2014 NSNC presidential race. Zezima has no interesting hobbies. Until now.
The NSNC welcomes competing candidates, proposed at its annual conference. The general membership meeting concludes that weekend. According to the by-laws:
At the annual conference, any five members present at the meeting may, by petition, place names into nomination 24 hours prior to the general membership meeting. Nomination speeches are encouraged but not required, and can be given by the candidate or the person(s) nominating said candidate at the general session.