NSNC’s Will Rogers statuette
Nominations are being accepted for the Will Rogers Humanitarian Award, presented annually by the National Society of Newspaper Columnists to recognize a writer whose work has positively affected readers’ lives and produced tangible humanitarian benefits.
Click on these links for a history of the award and an annotated list of winners with biographies may be found on the NSNC website www.columnists.com. Rules for the award are part of this downloadable entry form PDF.
Entrants may be nominated by editors or community leaders. Writers may not nominate themselves but can help assemble the entry materials.
Any salaried, staff, syndicated or regularly published newspaper columnist, opinion journalist, investigative reporter or feature writer is eligible.
Last year’s winner was New Hampshire columnist and radio broadcaster Mike Morin, who was honored for using his public forum to raise millions of dollars to help others. Former Gov. John H. Lynch, R-N.H., who supported his nomination, said Morin had been “very committed to raising money to help fight breast cancer” and that he had been active in helping children, “particularly around the holidays.”
The deadline for entries is Tuesday April 1, 2014. The honoree will be notified by May 1 in order to make arrangements to be present to receive the award at the NSNC annual conference in Washington, D.C., June 26-29, 2014. Besides a handsome statuette — a replica of the statue of Will Rogers in the U.S. Capitol — the winner also gets a $500 stipend to help defray expenses of attending the conference.
The Will Rogers Humanitarian Award program is supported by the Will Rogers Writers Foundation Inc., a non-profit corporation formed to encourage, promote and support clear, simple and effective writing, and the Will Rogers Memorial and Museums at Claremore, Okla.