Member Ship
By Amanda Beam
Membership Chair
National Society of Newspaper Columnists

Amanda Beam
‘Tis the season for renewal. Spiritual renewal. Mental renewal. Even a bit of physical renewal, especially after eating all those pies and candies and carbs at those Thanksgiving meals.
Why not resolve to add another renewal to your list, one that will only take minutes to achieve? Make sure to renew your membership in the National Society of Newspaper Columnists.
Better yet, how about giving memberships to friends or family who are in the trade as well? Talk about the gift that keeps on giving!
Cheaper contest entries, understanding mentors, informative newsletters, a helluva national conference and a caring community are just a few of the perks to joining again. Plans are in the works for even more new initiatives in the upcoming months. Don’t miss out!
Only $50 a year allows you to access all the glory of belonging to the biggest and best columnist organization in the world. Want to set up an online yearly auto-renewal? That brings the yearly fee down to only $45, as well as taking an item off your December to-do list.
If you’re a forward-looking writer, the NSNC also provides a three-year membership for $150. New this year, takers of this alternative will receive a cool NSNC T-shirt for free. It’s our way of saying thank you for staying with us for the long haul.
And we’re not done yet! This season, if you refer a columnist, blogger or essayist to join the NSNC as a first-time member, you’ll receive $10 off your own membership! So share, share, share our membership drive on Facebook, Twitter and around the old office, and help us grow.
Remember, as your NSNC board, we strive to meet your professional and networking needs. Our goal is to make you better and more informed writers, networkers, and businessmen and women. Make us better by letting us know what programs and initiatives you’d like to see from our organization. Drop me an email anytime at and tell me what’s on your mind. Write me anytime via the website’s contact form and tell me what’s on your mind.
Most importantly, with this season of renewal, take time for yourself. Relax and enjoy your family and friends and know some deadlines can wait. As always, we appreciate you, not only for your membership, but for your writing, creativity, and for what you- as the unique individual you are- add to our group.
So Happy Holidays from your NSNC family. Always remember, we resolve to be there for you.
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This piece first was published in the December 2015 issue of The Columnist, the monthly membership newsletter of the National Society of Newspaper Columnists.