Past winners:
1991 – Roseanne Barr, for her screeching rendition of the National Anthem
1992 – Millie, Barbara Bush’s canine book author “that earned $889,176 in royalties, yet never saw a penny of it.”
1995 – Kato Kaelin, O.J. Simpson’s often clueless houseguest, was named the best subject for a newspaper columnist without a clue on what to write.
1996 – Joe Klein, who confessed to writing “Primary Colors.”
1997 – Joe Camel, who was banished from the advertising world a few days after the conference ended.
2000 – Baseball’s John Rocker
2001 – The FBI
2002 – Attorney General John Ashcroft
2003 – Martha Stewart
2004 – Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
2005 – Columnists in general for ethical lapses
2006 – Syndicated columnist Ann Coulter “for cheapening political discourse in America”
2007 – U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales — “We gave it to him, but we can’t remember why”
2008 – Former President Bill Clinton, spouse of one of the presidential candidates
2009 – Presidential Candidate & Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin “for showing it’s hard to put your best foot forward when it’s in your mouth”
2010 – BP executives, who made up more unbelievable stories than a newsroom full of columnists on a slow news day
2011 – The Body Politic — rather, the consider attention that some politicians (and most of the public) devote to their bodies’ wants
2012 – The U.S. economy — Nobody likes it, and you can find statistics to back up anything you want to say about it
2013 – Privacy — with authorized federal “data mining,” the government already knew that
2014 – Drones — columnists could run or totter but ultimately not hide from such unmanned craft, the Predator to Amazon’s promised delivery vehicle
2015 – Donald Trump — Like a politically ambitious four-year cicada, the mogul not only passes but surpasses the duck test quadrennially.
2016 – Donald Trump