By Suzette Martinez Standring,
NSNC Executive Director

First, second, and third place winners receive cash prizes! Simply upload your entry into one or more categories. An entry consists of three columns published between January 1-December 31, 2017. The new online system has complete directions, a way to convert columns into PDFs (if you don’t already have them in that form), and a payment system. If you are not already a NSNC member, join now and enjoy immediate savings on your contest entries. (Members pay a contest fee of only $30/entry; non-members pay $60/entry.)
The savings don’t stop there, as NSNC members get a sizable discount on the 2018 Cincinnati conference June 7-10 at the Kingsgate Marriott.
Ernie Pyle Lifetime Achievement Award Winner Connie Schultz will be present at the awards banquet on Saturday night. Last year, Lifetime Achievement Award winner Maureen Dowd handed out awards, took photos, and schmoozed with attendees in the hospitality suite afterwards.
Contest bragging rights expand one’s writing realm and open the door to book publication. In fact, it happened all in one year for contest winner Norine Dworkin-McDaniel, who took third place in Online, Blog and Multimedia Columns, Under 50,000 Monthly Unique Visitors. Read her story here.
Literary agents will be present once again to hear pitches and give advice at the 2018 NSNC conference.
Already, advance registrations are coming in and the hotel block ($109/night) is half-filled. Don’t miss out on a room.
Most importantly, ENTER THE NSNC CONTEST! It paves the way toward national recognition and career opportunities.
Good luck, friends!