By Chris Carosa
NSNC President
…It’s what you think.

Alas, fun is great, but as many of us learned soon after completing our schooling, it doesn’t pay the rent. Or put food on the table. Or put the kids through school.
So we constantly search for this happy median between “fun” and “profit.”
I believe we can have both. And I know many of you feel the same way.
How do I know this? Because I read what you write in the NSNC’s Facebook Group “Columnist Clubhouse.” (Yes, that’s a link I’ve inserted. If you haven’t seen it, I encourage you to dive right in!)
While I enjoy seeing folks post their latest columns, what I really find valuable is the practical discussions. That’s generated several ideas regarding program content for next year’s conference in Buffalo (June 20-23, 2019). It’s clear there’s plenty of interest in discovering ways to leverage your content creation skills into more bucks in the bank.
You know what else is clear? We already have members who are doing this. Wouldn’t it be great if they could share some tips garnered from their success?
Keep those practical discussions going on Facebook. It’s a good way for us to learn what you are thinking: what you want to gain, what you want to do, what you want to be, and what you want to save. The more we know about your wants, the better we can think of ways to provide for them.
Here’s the great news: You don’t have to be on Facebook to tell us!
During September, we’ll be sending out a member survey specifically for this purpose. We have already tested one version with the board and got great feedback. Be looking in your email inbox for it.
In the meantime, keep smithing those words!