By Bonnie Jean Feldkamp
NSNC Communications Director
You love the NSNC – our connections, the camaraderie, the access to award-winning columnists and expert advice. Ours is a great organization that helps us set goals and reach our dreams. When I first joined the NSNC in 2014 I had no idea that it would become so much more than a membership tagline on my website. My involvement has furthered my career, and there is a way your involvement can boost yours, too.
Why not consider becoming an NSNC Ambassador? Connect to your local journalism leaders, expand your professional circle and your career. I, along with the NSNC Membership Committee, will help you every step of the way.
Together here’s what we can do:
- Connect with journalism schools in your region.
- Produce a Zoom webinar or workshop that features your niche or expertise.
- Partner with other journalism organization chapters to offer Zoom workshops with a focus on opinion-writing – blogs, columns, essays, and freelancing.
- Create great website, newsletter, and social media content.
- Spread the word through your writing groups that the NSNC is a great place for professional support and camaraderie.
An NSNC Ambassadors’ page on www.columnists.com will prominently feature your bio, headshot, website/column, and contact information under the city for which you are the go-to source for all things column-writing.
This idea came about when I realized how the NSNC has moved many careers forward.
Here’s my story.

I am a freelance writer in many genres, including feature articles and columns. Being a member of the NSNC is like everything else – you get what you give. I’ve met so many wonderful columnists along the way. I would have never thought that after sitting next to Lisa Smith Molinari and taking Suzette Martinez Standring’s Meditation session at the 2014 Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop that one day I would serve on the NSNC Board with them.
I started by writing the NSNC monthly newsletter, which opened more doors to knowing contributing columnists like Dave Lieber, the Dallas Morning News’ Watchdog. Then, in 2017 Suzette and I took on the administrative duties of the NSNC and in 2018 I chaired the NSNC Conference in Cincinnati. Hoo boy, was that a whirlwind. At the time I was a mom blogger for a regional parenting publication who was just about to lose that job. I really had to check my impostor syndrome. The conference sold out that year and our speakers were rock stars. Clarence Page, Connie Schultz, Rochelle Riley, and local Cincinnati legend Nick Clooney. Our conference attendees were just as impressive. Chairing that conference, which put me in front of the journalism leaders of my community, led to opportunities. I met the Opinion Editor of the Cincinnati Enquirer and local columnists. We partnered with the Cincinnati Society of Professional Journalists and I met the chapter’s president. I now serve on both the SPJ board and the Enquirer’s editorial board.
Since then I’ve spoken to area journalism schools, and presented workshops for the NSNC, SPJ, and other writing organizations in my community.
None of this would have happened had I not stepped forward and taken hold of the possibilities the NSNC had to offer. I really do love the NSNC and all that we do for the success of our members. I’m actually writing this now using one of our awesome programs – the virtual NSNC Writing Space.
Become an NSNC Ambassador for your city today. Send me an email at Media@Columnists.com and we can get started right away.
Thank you so much for being a valuable member of the NSNC and such an important part of your fellow members’ success.
Bonnie Jean Feldkamp is an award-winning freelance writer and columnist. She is the Communications Director for the National Society of Newspaper Columnists, a member of the Cincinnati Enquirer Editorial Board, and a board member for the Cincinnati Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists. She lives with her family in Northern Kentucky. Find her on social media @WriterBonnie or at WriterBonnie.com.