by John Branning
2021 is done – it won’t be called the greatest year.
Covid we could not outrun, with Omicron the latest fear.
Sports went on despite the risk; tried protocols to make it safe.
Jeffrey Epstein’s odalisque got jail time for procuring naifs.
Trump impeached a second time, because of insurrectionists.
NFTs arrive and I’m confused: “Just what the heck is this?”
Pulled out of Afghanistan and look who turned up: ISIS-K.
CDC’s advice was panned; the risks they can’t concisely say.
The Ever Given cargo ship got stuck while traveling through the Suez.
Billionaires are flying into space – it’s on the evening new-ez.
Infrastructure bill was passed; the voting was bipartisan.
Andrew Cuomo – he harassed; proved he was not the smartest man.
Bonus payments were dispersed, all part of Covid stimulus.
VP sounded unrehearsed; staff exits were continuous.
Tokyo Olympics were conducted without butts in bleachers.
School year was disrupted, causing angst for students and their teachers.
Texans nearly froze to death when left without a power source.
Tesla cars can drive themselves (as long as they don’t crash, of course).
IPO becomes passé; new startups now rely on SPAC.
Drumpf just will not go away while angling for his second act.
You can pay for nearly anything these days if you use crypto,
although you’ll pay dearly for a new house while still feeling gypped, though.
Democrats – the lot of them – fought internecine battles raucous;
GOP would not condemn the rantings from a far-right caucus.
Airlines canceled many flights, and passengers got into rumbles.
Prices on the rise at record pace set off inflation grumbles.
This year saw a surge in the amount of border crossings made.
SCOTUS caused uncertainty re: legacy of Roe v. Wade.
Summer brought relief from throes of Covid deaths; a too-short respite.
As far as this pandemic goes – for it to end soon, we’re all desperate.
For those who hope for better news in ‘22 – stop squirming. Plan
to join your fellow columnists IN PERSON down in Birmingham!
NSNC member John Branning lives in Maine and is hopelessly stuck on commenting about current events in light verse. He is inspired by the achievements of his fellow columnists and bloggers, and is thankful for online access to various thesauri and RhymeZone.com.
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