Ginny McCabe, executive director of National Society of Newspaper Columnists had the the honor of interviewing 100-year-old columnist Roy Roberts about his more than 70-years of column writing. (That’s about 3,500 columns – Wow!) Mr. Roberts of Normal, Illinois pens a weekly column for the Cass County Star Gazette called “Trivia Too” and he’s also written several books. Mr. Roberts will turn 101-years old on Feb. 1! NSNC would like extend our warmest wishes to Mr. Roberts on his 101st Birthday. Join us in wishing Mr. Roberts a Happy 101 Birthday! Tune in to watch the interview below. https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/-DAY-iusC5Usk5XucwQMhvr3Csfk3O2mDuOBjRdbLb3_NKXCOJRPkVmjAQcJa2z7.jQc-ZhPIWbiYgGwT