Just announced! National Society of Newspaper Columnists will present “Indie Publishing: What’s the Big Deal with Jim Azevedo of Draft2Digital on Friday, Feb. 3 from noon to 1 p.m. EST. More details and info. on how to register are below.
What: J?oin National Society of Newspaper Columnists (NSNC) for a Zoom webinar with Jim Azevedo of Draft2Digital
W?hen: Fri., Feb. 3 from noon to 1 p.m. EST.
S?ession Title: Indie Publishing: What’s the Big Deal?
Description: In the last 15 years, the publishing industry witnessed not one, but two sea change events. The first was the democratization of the industry, circa 2008. The second was the merger of the two largest indie publishing platforms, Draft2Digital (D2D) and Smashwords, in March 2022. The union of D2D and Smashwords created a self-publishing juggernaut overnight, legitimized the indie author movement, and ensured that even more writers will achieve their dreams of becoming published authors. We’ll talk about why the merger happened and why it’s a “big deal” for indie authors and publishers.
C?ost: Early-bird registration rate through Sun., Jan. 15:
$?19 for NSNC members and $39 for non-members
N?ote: early-bird ticket sales end at 11:59 p.m. on Sun., Jan. 15.
A?fter Jan. 15 regular registration rates:
$?25 for NSNC members and $50 for non-members
Questions or more info: nsncdirector@gmail.com
About Jim Azevedo
Jim Azevedo is the Corporate Communications Manager at Draft2Digital, having joined the company in March 2022 as part of the Smashwords acquisition. As marketing director at Smashwords since 2011, Jim helped the company grow from representing 35,000 indie authors and publishers who released 80,000 titles, to more than 150,000 authors and publishers who published over 590,000 titles. Draft2Digital offers a broad suite of free and powerful automated and self-serve tools that authors and publishers can use to build and manage their publishing businesses. This includes tools to simplify ebook and print publishing, distribution, metadata management, and marketing. Following its acquisition of Smashwords, Draft2Digital now serves more than 250,000 authors and publishers who’ve collectively published over 930,000 ebooks and 24,000 print books. Visit Draft2Digital at https://draft2digital.com or follow on Twitter @Draft2Digital.
Here’s the Eventbrite registration link to register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/indie-publishing-whats-the-big-deal-with-jim-azevedo-of-draft2digital-tickets-507215594497