The National Society of Newspaper Columnists (NSNC) has honored Mr. Roy Roberts of Normal, Illinois as an “Honorary Lifetime Member” of the National Society of Newspaper Columnists. Lori Duff, president of the National Society of Newspaper Columnists was joined by Ginny McCabe, executive director of NSNC, to present the honor to Mr. Roberts on the occasion of his 101st birthday – Feb. 1, 2023. Roberts has penned his column “Trivia Too” for nearly 70 years for the “Cass County Star Gazette.” He has also penned several books, including “Dear Christine” A World War II Soldier’s War Experiences in Europe, Including the 165 Letters He Wrote to His Wife,” “The Life of Thomas Beard 1794-1894,” and “Grandpa, Tell Me a Story.” NSNC wishes to congratulate Mr. Roberts on being an “Honorary Lifetime Member.” We would also like to wish him Happy 101st Birthday! View the presentation with NSNC President Lori Duff here: https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/W1eQkaQ2tNN7KONV_CnVVFatIwRm46OAwhZ3oOD7mrDa4yW8APxR0UY1JvrpWM7v.EwVNyVwhYedWDWwQ