Celebrate the joy of the season!
Join National Society of Newspaper Columnists for a virtual Holiday Mixer on Fri., Dec. 15 at 7 p.m. EST. The event will be hosted by Bonnie Jean Feldkamp. The Holiday Mixer is free for NSNC members and $10 for non-members.
Note: NSNC Members, please email NSNC Executive Director Ginny McCabe for more details, or the Zoom information at nsncdirector@gmail.com. Non-members should purchase a ticket to the event and the Zoom info. will be sent via Eventbrite to those who register. Here’s the link to purchase a ticket:
Note: NSNC Members, please email NSNC Executive Director Ginny McCabe for more details, or the Zoom information at nsncdirector@gmail.com. Non-members should purchase a ticket to the event and the Zoom info. will be sent via Eventbrite to those who register. Here’s the link to purchase a ticket: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/nsnc-holiday-mixer-2023-virtual-tickets-772346528257?aff=oddtdtcreator

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