
Sheila Moss, NSNC WebEditor

Indiana Governor proclaims Columnists Days

Indiana Gov. Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. has officially proclaimed “Columnists Days” in Indiana in recognition of the 34th annual conference of the National Society of Newspaper Columnists.  The proclamation reads:    WHEREAS, columnists are a vital part of the news media, and they also make significant contributions to their communities and to the journalism profession…

Dorothy Brush, An Inspiring Columnist

By Suzette Martinez Standring Past President, NSNC    Eighty-eight-year-old Dorothy Brush still writes her twice-weekly column for The Crossville Chronicle in Crossville, Tennessee. It’s been seven years since she was diagnosed with terminal cancer and had refused any treatment.  In 2004, the NSNC awarded her “Columnist of the Year” because she continued to write her column…

Be a Columnist

Laura Snyder

By Laura Snyder Nationally Syndicated Columnist    Over the years, many young people have e-mailed me a number of questions that boiled down to one burning, all-encompassing query:  How do you become a columnist?    They may think they are asking me how to get a job in the industry, but they would be asking…

Thirty years in journalism

Lindor Reynolds, Winnipeg Free Press, celebrates 30 years in journalism this week. In her column, Lindor says, “We get into this business for a variety of reasons. It’s exciting. You meet new people every day. You might get lucky and make a difference, move a reader or change a policy.”  She talks about the dreams,…

Kathleen Parker/Gov. Spitzer join CNN News

Former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer, who resigned in disgrace in 2008, has been chosen as a co-host of a new primetime news program on CNN replacing Campbell Brown.  Spitzer will be joined by the Pulitzer Prize-winning conservative columnist for The Washington Post, Kathleen Parker.   Longtime NSNC member Kathleen Parker is one of America’s…

New NYT Public Editor

Arthur Brisbane, a longtime editor and journalist, will become the new public editor at The New York Times, a job considered by many as one of the sweetest in journalism. Brisbane brings 34 years of journalistic experience to the job, including publisher and editor of The Kansas City Star and reporter and editor at The Washington…

Rick Horowitz Political Satire

From the studios of Milwaukee Public TV direct to your computer screen, NSNC member, Rick Horowitz has a gusher of new on-camera commentaries on YouTube and ready for your inspection and occasional entertainment. The facts don’t matter in Washington anymore — it’s the story you can *tell* about the facts. Satirist Rick Horowitz explains it…

“Kick Ass” Author at Columnists Conference

Thanks to President Obama, the expression “kick ass” (or variations thereof) has come off the street and into mainstream news coverage.  Headline writers and TV news readers were freed from restraint after the president told Matt Lauer of the Today show he was talking to experts to find answers about the Gulf oil spill “so…

Member Appears on CNN

NSNC Member, Ahmed Soliman, thought you might be interested in watching the CNN interview/debate he did with the organizer of a protest against the construction of a mosque near ground zero in New York (aired on Sunday morning). He says, “I was invited onto the program after writing a column about the topic. ” The…

Georgia Columnist takes Double Awards

While our illustrious group does not include sports columnists on a regular basis, I thought I’d share some news seeing as how I alternate between a sports column and humor column. I attended the Georgia Sports Writers Association’s Annual Meeting this past Sunday in Marietta, Georgia. The event featured a number of speakers and the…

West Baden Springs Hotel setting of new novel

So sweet the success: www.heraldtimesonline.com (Used by Permission) Local author leaps from writing successful mystery novels to the supernatural By Mike Leonard 331-4368 | mleonard@heraldt.com 6/6/2010 By Mike Leonard 331-4368 | mleonard@heraldt.com 6/6/2010 WEST BADEN — Michael Koryta’s sixth published novel, “So Cold the River,” represents a bold and dramatic departure for the Bloomington author.…

Rob Nelson’s Farewell Column

Rob Nelson, former reporter for The Times-Picayune and WWL-TV in New Orleans, is leaving to accept a position as a national news anchor in New York. Rob is also our very first NSNC Student Scholarship winner, and as such, we feel a certain amount of paternal pride about his accomplishments.  In today’s paper, Rob writes…

KC Press Club honors Chartrand

David Chartrand received First Place in the 2010 Heart of America Awards from the Kansas City Press Club in the category for non-news columns in large papers.  Chartrand is a freelance columnist who writes for The Kansas City Star. Judges commented that he had a “Quirky sense of humor with great comedic lineup and perceptive…

Lieber’s kids do well at state competition

Texas junior high and high school students who publish The Black Cow student newspaper  recently earned 56 awards in the annual statewide journalism competition. NSNC Education Foundation Secretary, Dave Lieber, Ft. Worth Star-Telegram, is the student newspaper’s advisor and is justifiably proud of their accomplishments. Fewer entries were allowed in each category this year muting the…

Rademacher Splitting Wood

Tom Rademacher, long-time columnist for The Grand Rapids (Mich.) Press, has launched a first book of columns, entitled “Splitting Wood.” The first printing sold out in less than three weeks, and Rademacher “blames” his good fortune in part on Dave Lieber, whose upbeat presentation at last year’s NSNC convention in Ventura, Calif., was alone worth…

Board of Directors Meets

Upcoming conferences were the major item of discussion when the Board of Directors for NSNC met June 3 via Chatzy. The Conference in Bloomington is only a little over a month away and registration slots and hotel rooms are still available for what is shaping up as an exciting event.  Mike Leonard, Conference Chair, is…

Zaslow Video on the Gore’s Breakup

NSNC member, Jeff Zaslow, Wall Street Journal, reflects on the breakup of Al and Tipper Gore after 40 years and why other long-term marriages can end in divorce. Read the column:  ‘Till 40 Years Do Us Part