
Sheila Moss, NSNC WebEditor

Could Ernie Pyle’s work fly on the internet?

You, the columnist By Dave Lieber davelieber.org A little disgusted is how I feel when I read these words from Time magazine book reviewer Lev Grossman about how writers are going to have to write differently for people who read their work on cell phones or who can’t focus too long on one subject:  …

Election 2010 – NSNC Officers

Each year half of the officers on the NSNC Board of Directors are elected at the annual general membership meeting.  It will be held at the close of the 2010 Conference in Bloomington, Ind., on Sunday, July 11.   This year the offices to be filled are: President, Vice President, Newsletter Editor, Web Editor, and…

Kathleen Parker takes Pulitzer Prize in Commentary

Pulitzer Prizes were announced today with conservative Washington Post columnist, Kathleen Parker winning first place in commentary. The Pulitzer Prize is considered the most prestigious award in U.S. journalism and commentary is the category most associated with columnists.   The Pulitzer for commentary was “Awarded to Kathleen Parker of The Washington Post for her perceptive, often witty…

Jumping onto the Apple cart?

Early users of the new Apple iPad report that it is a bit like a large version of the iPhone – without a phone or camera.  It is four times larger than an iPhone, has beautiful graphics, and is fast.  It is great for games, movies, web surfing, music downloads, and for reading e-books, if…

Perel contributes to Chicken Soup

Saralee Perel is currently represented by NYC agent Bob Mecoy for her first non-fiction book, The Dog Who Walked Me, which is about her dog who became her caregiver after Saralee suffered a major spinal cord injury, the devastating effects on her marriage, and her cat who kept her sane throughout. Saralee is a nationally…

Supreme Court rules on Freelance Copyright Case

Supreme Court Building

On March 2, the Supreme Court overturned a lower court decision involving payment to freelance writers for online use of their work. This ruling means that freelancers have the right to make infringement claims on works whether a copyright is registered or not. The judgement followed a landmark Supreme Court ruling for writers in 2001…

Sex Advice by Columnist Isadora Alman

UPDATE: “Bluebirds of Impossibles Paradises…” is now available in paperback as well as eBook. Longtime NSNC member Isadora Alman has written a new novel with an arousing title: “Bluebirds of Impossible Paradises, A Sexual Odyssey of the 70’s” – published by Amazon.com as an eBook.  “It has a few very good reviews but I would…

Karen Rinehart at National Convention

Karen Rinehart

Humor columnist and author Karen Rinehart will be among the featured speakers at Alpha Chi Omega’s 56th biennial convention in Washington, D.C.July 9-12, 2010. Rinehart, Beta Eta, Florida State University, will talk on the topic of “Maternal Revenge Phenomena: Resistance is Futile.” Rinehart has been writing her award winning syndicated newspaper column, “True To Life,…

Janis Lyn Johnson’s Blog now in Naples Daily News

Two and a half weeks after launching her hope and inspiration blog, new NSNC member Janis Lyn Johnson got it picked up by the Naples Daily News as a bi-weekly column for the Community sections of both the online and print versions of the newspaper. “It’s my attempt to own up to and take responsibility…

Humor Columnist Tracy Farr Writes About Goats

Texas columnist Tracy Farr reports that he has put together an e-book called “Never Trust a Goat.”   “It’s a short and inexpensive collection of stories from my weekly column made just for those people who got a new Kindle or Sony Reader for Christmas and are looking for cheap crap to put on it.…

Hawaaian Blogger-Author Receives Professional Award

Brad Klontz, Psy.D. received an Innovative Practice Award from the American Psychological Association in December 2009 for his “…visionary and creative development of innovative practice strategies to apply psychological interventions to help people with money and wealth issues.” Brad’s new book, Mind Over Money: Overcoming The Money Disorders that Threaten Our Financial Health was released…

California Writer Has New Novel Published

Ed Addeo of Mill Valley, Calif., has had a new novel published, “The Midnight Special”, a medical thriller about the first brain transplant. “There’s a good story behind it, actually,” Addeo says.  “It’s really a new ‘edition’ of a book that was published 38 years ago by Bernard Geis Associates, and sold out its first…

Philadelphia Columnist Touts Benefits of NSNC Membership

Rose A. Valenta, posted this discussion group comment about benefits of becoming a member of NSNC:  “I had the opportunity to write an article for e-Columnist, acquired three new Facebook friends, some tweeps, author exposure, a free booklet in the mail about syndication.”  (The booklet is sent to new members.) The Philadelphia humor columnist, who…

Arkansas Writer Puts Column on Hold

Jay Grelen of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette is taking a seven-month leave from his human-interest column “Sweet Tea.” The NSNC member is still full time in the newsroom in Little Rock, working as a night-shift news copy editor. Jay’s column ran three days a week and every other Sunday, alternating with former NSNC board member Linda…

Message from the President – Samantha Bennett

Samantha Bennett

By Samantha Bennett NSNC President Happy New Year! I’ve said before that what you get out of NSNC depends on what you put into it. What do you get from your NSNC membership? I’d love to hear from you, at sambennett1@verizon.net . I’d like to hear why you joined, what you enjoy about being a…

An Update from the Kaisers

On their Web site www.suddenlysenior.com Frank and Carolyn Kaiser provide an update on their condition after being declared in remission from their cancers.   “We’re living life in the slow lane, enjoying most every moment we feel energetic enough to do so, and planning for the future, albeit uncertain,” they write.  (They plan on taking a 9-day bus…

Interview With Humor Columnist W. Bruce Cameron

Canadian columnist Dan St.Yves caught up with fellow NSNC member W. Bruce Cameron during the annual conference in Ventura, CA.  Part of their conversation has already been a feature column in a Kelowna, British Columbia newspaper, and now an audio version of the interview is available as a free download: http://thatdanguy.libsyn.com/