Category: Newsroom

Articles from the current news on media, journalism, the news industry and other topics.

NSNC Annual Column Writing Contest Opens!

By Suzette Martinez Standring, NSNC Executive Director Get ready to win!  The annual NSNC Column Writing Contest is now open, and the entry process has been streamlined and made easier for both contestants and judges. First, second, and third place winners receive cash prizes!  Simply upload your entry into one or more categories.  An entry…

Dessert With Discussion: Three Cincinnati Icons Come Together for NSNC18 dessert

By Bonnie Jean Feldkamp Communications Director and NSNC18 Conference Chair The Cincinnati Zoo, Graeter’s Ice Cream, and Cincinnati Public Radio come together for a special afternoon on Friday, June 8th, during the NSNC annual conference. Attendees will enjoy “Sundae Service” courtesy of historic Graeter’s Ice Cream at the Treetops Facility in the Cincinnati Zoo while…

2018 NSNC Column Writing Contest Makes a Difference!

Does Winning Make a Difference? By Suzette Standring NSNC Executive Director Get ready! The NSNC Column Writing Contest is coming up and national bragging rights could be yours. Eight categories, 36 ways to place, and cash prizes!  A specially designed NSNC Winner’s Badge is given to all winners for personal website posting. Your frustrations were…

November Offers Writers Productivity, Poultry

President’s Message By Lisa Smith Molinari NSNC President Unless you plan to spend the entire month writing your Thanksgiving dinner shopping list, November is the best time to finish those literary projects that never seem to get done. You know, the manuscript that you started years ago that is buried in your document files. Or…

Connie Schultz to Receive the 2018 Ernie Pyle Lifetime Achievement Award

By Dave Astor NSNC Archivist The National Society of Newspaper Columnists is proud to announce that our 2018 Ernie Pyle Lifetime Achievement Award recipient is…Connie Schultz! Ms. Schultz – the much-admired, widely read 2005 Pulitzer Prize winner for commentary – received the award during the NSNC’s June 7-10, 2018, conference in Cincinnati, Ohio. When asked…

Now Accepting Submissions

The National Society of Newspaper Columnists is pleased to announce we are now accepting article submissions from NSNC members for our monthly newsletter and website. If you’re not a member, become one. Read the full guidelines and see what themes we’d like to highlight in our Editorial Calendar. We feel strongly that writers should be compensated…


By Suzette Martinez Standring Next year, the City of Seven Hills will be easy on our bills! The NSNC is happy to announce that our 2018 conference will be held at the Kingsgate Marriott Conference Center at the University of Cincinnati, 151 Goodman Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45219.  Mark your calendars for Thursday-Sunday, June 7-10, 2018. The special…

Maureen Dowd Accepts Ernie Pyle Lifetime Achievement Award

    On Saturday, June 10, 2017 Maureen Dowd of the New York Times received the 2017 Ernie Pyle Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Society of Newspaper Columnists. The event was part of the NSNC’s annual conference held at the Manchester Radisson in New Hampshire. Lisa Smith Molinari is the 2017 president and Mike…

Young Columnist’s Parody Wins Society’s Mystic Tie

MANCHESTER, New Hampshire, June 10, 2017 — College humor columnist Archer Parquette penned a farcical story — on deadline — to win the 2017 Jeff Kramer Mystic Tie Award of the National Society of Newspaper Columnists. Mystic Tie is one of two NSNC contests where entries are gathered and judged within the conference, this year’s…

Sitting Duck Award NSNC17

  President Donald Trump’s volcanic Twitter account, @realDonaldTrump, has won this year’s “Sitting Duck Award” from the National Society of Newspaper Columnists. “It was a landslide,” said NSNC President Lisa Smith Molinari, “at least in the NSNC Electoral College.” The society gives this award annually to the person or subject that is the easiest subject…

Announcing NSNC 2017 Column Writing Contest Winners

Congratulations! Category A: General Interest, print over 50,000 circulation First Place:  Helen Ubinas, Philadelphia Daily News Second Place: Mike Newall, Philadelphia Media Network Third Place: Jesse Rifkin, Boxoffice Magazine, USA Today, LA Times Category B: Humor, print, over 50,000 circulation First Place:  Irv Erdos, San Diego Union Tribune Second Place:  Leah Eskin, Chicago Tribune Third…

Dave Lieber to Receive 2017 Legacy Award

By Bill Tammeus   From the time Dave Lieber first showed up at a National Society of Newspaper Columnists conference – in 1993 in Portland – wishing he were a columnist, he has been an indispensable source of NSNC’s energy, innovative ideas, and inspiration. Which makes him an obvious selection to receive the society’s Legacy Award.…

What’s to Know About Manchester, NH

By Mike Morin Conference Chair Spiny cockleburs put Manchester on the map. Chances are you use the product inspired by the annoying burs that stick to your clothes while hiking. Velcro was born out of the hook and loop configuration of spiny cockleburs. So thank Swiss engineer George de Mestral and New Hampshire every time…

‘#IAMaColumnist’: NSNC’s campaign for Columnists’ Day 2017

By Lisa Smith Molinari President National Society of Newspaper Columnists What makes one a columnist? Is it occupying a weekly space on page seven of the newspaper? Is it blogging? Is it a regular spot in the local Patch? Is it a monthly feature in a regional magazine? Is it a series of opinion pieces…

The Flip Side of Writing for Free

By Bonnie Jean Feldkamp NSNC Media Director For those who’d prefer to listen to this article you can do so at this SoundCloud page HERE. Many in the industry have discussed both sides of this issue. Some refuse to write for free and ask others to do the same in hopes that they’ll enact change…

Nonfiction Conference Offers Columnists Discount

The sixth annual Nonfiction Writers Conference will be May 4-6, 2016. This is a virtual (online) event featuring 15 speakers over the three days. The NWC is offering members of the National Society of Newspaper Columnists a special 30 percent-off discount code. It is NSNC30. When you register at the conference website, enter NSNC30 where…