Latest Past Events

Signing a Book Contract: Dos, Don’ts and Dirty Little Secrets

Webinar:  Thursday, February 25, 2021, 7:00 p.m. EST Free to NSNC Members Register HERE $25.00 for non-members Register HERE Become a Member HERE . Are you prepared to negotiate a book contract? Columnists and bloggers are expanding their platforms into authorship. There are important aspects for contracts with hybrid and traditional publishers: rights, royalties, risks,…

Virtual Conference

Register now! For the NSNC Member Rate of $150 CLICK HERE For the Non-member Rate of $225 that includes a one-year membership to the NSNC. CLICK HERE Details below and on the Conference Page HERE.   The conference will be a live Zoom, but all programs (except the breakout sessions) will be recorded and can be watched…

The Art of the Interview

In the pandemic, journalists are doing a lot of “Zooming” and are expected to do more live interviews. As journalists, we’re used to conducting interviews for crafting articles that quote and otherwise glean from conversations. In Zoom webinars and other live programs, an interview looks very different. There’s no going back later to cobble quotes…