Columnists and Bloggers Welcome
Ready to renew?
$75 for one year
$200 for three years
$35 for Students
Whether you write for newspapers, magazines, newsletters, trade journals or you create a podcast or write digital content, or you manage your own blog … whether you’re on staff, a freelancer, syndicated, self-syndicated or independent, if you write opinion or provide commentary, we invite you to join the National Society of Newspaper Columnists.
We heartily encourage membership from online and multimedia columnists, bloggers and similar Web reporters, commentators, analysts, humorists and essayists.
We welcome retired or former columnists, journalism scholars and collegian columnists. Not least, NSNC is the ideal group for novice writers in our genre.
Membership Benefits
- Exclusive Content, Interviews, and Events.
- Discounted Annual Conference Registration
- Discounted Annual Contest Entry Free (the membership pays for itself when you enter two categories.)
- Exclusive Monthly Newsletter packed with job leads, freelance gigs, and fellowships.
- Ability to submit on-topic articles for publication in our newsletter and on our website. Guidelines HERE
- Opportunity to get advice from senior columnists through our Ask Alex Column
- Ability to announce new publications and successes in the Columnist News section of our newsletter
- Fun in the Columnist Clubhouse on Facebook
- Name and blog or publication listed on our website
- All the camaraderie you can handle!
Join/Renew Online
To join or renew online choose which membership below:
$75 for one year
$200 for three years
$35 for Students
Join/Renew via Postal Mail
Send check made payable to NSNC to:
Note: If you are joining or renewing online using a credit card, you will be automatically directed to the PayPal site as part of the online application process.
If you have questions, please email or call 617-322-1420.
Here are reasons some people have given for belonging:
“Renewed because the NSNC is an excellent organization with wonderful people, and it has taught me a lot.”
“I’m choosing to renew because I value your commitment to the industry, and to helping the members, current and future, make their way through these tumultuous times. And you’re a fun bunch of folks to hang out with!”
“I find NSNC valuable, especially exchanging ideas with other columnists.”
“It’s financially reasonable. NSNC has great, creative (and fun) people.”
“NSNC is a valuable source of advice, and a morale boost.”
“I like to keep abreast of what’s happening and pick up tips from other writers.”
“The NSNC does a good job keeping columnists informed and educated about the realities of the business for today and tomorrow.”
“It’s great to have a networking and support group of people doing the same thing I do.”
“I want to enter the contest and go to the conference.”
National Society of Newspaper Columnists Privacy Policy

Thinking Columnist — early NSNC logo
The National Society of Newspaper Columnists is very concerned about the safety and security of our members. Online transactions are secured by PayPal Financial Services and subject to its User Agreement and Privacy Policy. PayPal does not share your credit/debit card number with NSNC. If you fax or mail your credit/debit card number, it is not stored in any database. It is used only for the transaction you have requested.
We collect the personal information listed in the Membership Application for purposes of providing membership services. The only information that is accessible to other NSNC members and to the public is your name and websites. If you do not wish to have this information accessible to other NSNC member or the public, you can opt out . If you have additional questions regarding your privacy, please email or call 617 322-1420.
The National Society of Newspaper Columnists is a 501(c)6 nonprofit organization incorporated in the state of California. The NSNC promotes professionalism and camaraderie among columnists and other writers of the serial essay, including bloggers. NSNC advocates for columnists and free-press issues.