NSNC Announces Annual Columnist Contest Winners and Finalists

Join NSNC and Reap the Benefits!

NSNC Announces Annual Columnist Contest Winners and Finalists

NSNC is pleased to announce the winners and finalists of the 2024 Annual Columnist Contest. Congratulations to all of the winners and finalists: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1rsKFedu_jH5tYw6_hN1pRltusDBuJ2sX7QIv4hhGp1E/edit?usp=sharing

Join NSNC and Reap the Benefits!

Hope your New Year is off to an amazing start. We are excited for What’s in-store for NSNC members this year. We will also be launching our annual contest in January, so you’ll want to be sure your membership is up-to-date. Also, if you have ideas, suggestions, etc., please share with our president, Lori Duff, at lori@loriduffwrites.com or myself at nsncdirector@gmail.com Blessings to all!

Humor and Politics Mix at Macon

I Love Macon

By Ed Grisamore The (Macon) Telegraph NSNC 2012 Conference Chair Column writers attending the 36th annual NSNC Conference in Macon, Ga., May 3-6 will find a lively mix of humor and politics, served up Southern style A special guest will be Dedra Grizzard, widow of the late, great humorist Lewis Grizzard. She is expected to…

Nationwide Theft of Humor Columns Exposed

Former North Dakota Newspaper Association President and Newspaper Owner Jon Flatland Exposed in Wide-ranging Theft of Humor Columns from Across the Country An alert to NSNC members. Updates to the Memminger report follow his article. By Charles Memminger March 8, 2012 A few weeks ago, humor and travel writer Dave Fox was Googling some of…

Robert Benchley Society Humor Writing Competition

The Robert Benchley Society has opened its 2012 Humor Writing Competition. Entries to the contest should be “Benchleyesque (in the sense of reflecting the Benchley style and humor).” Comedian Arte Johnson will serve as celebrity judge and present awards at the Ninth Robert Benchley Society International Annual Gathering, to be held this autumn in Los Angeles. The deadline…

What to Do After a Tornado Strikes Your Town

By Don McNay, NSNC member Author, ‘Wealth Without Wall Street: A Main Street Guide to Making Money’   “where do broken hearts go” -Whitney Houston I was lucky.    I’ve had tornadoes go directly over my house,  on two different days last week,  and not touch down. Many of my neighbors in Kentucky and surrounding states…

Member gets Honorable Mention in Writing Contest

Wanda Argersinger Wanda Argersinger, NSNC member from Gulf Breeze, Florida, was selected as an Honorable Mention in the Humor – Global category of the 2012 Erma Bombeck writing competition. The contest is sponsored by Washington-Centerville Library in Ohio and the Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop.  Wanda’s winning entry, “Goodbye Old Flame” was about changing computer technology…

A Writer’s Meditation

By Suzette Martinez Standring Whether you write op-ed, humor, lifestyle or other columns, heartfelt expression is a goal. Relaxation unlocks creativity, and I use guided imagery exercises in my writing workshops to mine memories for sensory details and emotions.  Self-hypnosis, meditation, guided imagery, and trance are all the same things, and the process is common…