NSNC Announces Annual Columnist Contest Winners and Finalists

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NSNC Announces Annual Columnist Contest Winners and Finalists

NSNC is pleased to announce the winners and finalists of the 2024 Annual Columnist Contest. Congratulations to all of the winners and finalists: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1rsKFedu_jH5tYw6_hN1pRltusDBuJ2sX7QIv4hhGp1E/edit?usp=sharing

Join NSNC and Reap the Benefits!

Hope your New Year is off to an amazing start. We are excited for What’s in-store for NSNC members this year. We will also be launching our annual contest in January, so you’ll want to be sure your membership is up-to-date. Also, if you have ideas, suggestions, etc., please share with our president, Lori Duff, at lori@loriduffwrites.com or myself at nsncdirector@gmail.com Blessings to all!

Still Writing Column at 104

Margaret Caldwell is a columnist for the Desert Valley Times, Mesquite NV, a Gannett, publication. She celebrated her 104th birthday on February 1st and is believed by many to be the world’s oldest living columnist. Often we associate old age with loss of health and vitality, but Margaret says she is feeling well in spite…

FREE Conference – Learn to Sell More Books

NSNC members have a special invitation from Dave Lieber to attend a FREE telephone conference that he is hosting for British authors who want to “sell more books at the back of the room”. Dave Lieber is a long-time NSNC member, Secretary of the NSNC Education Foundation, and watchdog columnist for the Ft. Worth Star-Telegram.…

Some roots of Egypt’s turmoil

As the rage and fury of angry people too long living under supression continues to errupt in Egypt, we wonder what took place that led to the violent events of today. Years ago, Bill Tammeus, NSNC past president, visited Egypt on assignment by The Kansas City Star. His column written then and first published by The…

The Power of Words

If you ever wondered about the power of a few words, consider this item by columnist Al Kamen, who writes “In the Loop” for The Fed Page of the Washington Post: “The spectacular political collapse of Japan’s Yukio Hatoyama was already well in motion in mid-April when we added a tiny push by writing, after…


you, the columnist My-picture-on-top-of-the-column-syndrome   By Dave Lieber Columnists.com The other day I was insecure about something. I got zero comments beneath my column on my newspaper’s website for what I thought was a pretty good column. Then I clicked on the comments for my columnist colleague at the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Bob Ray Sanders.…

American Journalists Attacked in Egypt

Journalists covering Egypt’s turmoil have been shouted at, threatened, attacked and beaten while trying to cover the story in Egypt. Correspondents have been sprayed with pepper spray, hit in the head and subjected to various other acts of violence by those supporting President Hosni Mubarak. The protests became increasingly violent Wednesday when supporter of the…