NSNC Announces Annual Columnist Contest Winners and Finalists

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NSNC Announces Annual Columnist Contest Winners and Finalists

NSNC is pleased to announce the winners and finalists of the 2024 Annual Columnist Contest. Congratulations to all of the winners and finalists: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1rsKFedu_jH5tYw6_hN1pRltusDBuJ2sX7QIv4hhGp1E/edit?usp=sharing

Join NSNC and Reap the Benefits!

Hope your New Year is off to an amazing start. We are excited for What’s in-store for NSNC members this year. We will also be launching our annual contest in January, so you’ll want to be sure your membership is up-to-date. Also, if you have ideas, suggestions, etc., please share with our president, Lori Duff, at lori@loriduffwrites.com or myself at nsncdirector@gmail.com Blessings to all!

Hartford Conference Schedule Summary

NSNC conference, Macon 2012

The Program! (Oh, the writers you’ll meet*) 37th Annual Conference – June 27-30, 2013 National Society of Newspaper Columnists Hilton Hartford Hotel — Hartford, Conn. Lifestyles and the Writing Life Click for general information about the conference, including hotel reservations and registration Thursday, June 27 2 – 6 p.m. — Registration 3 – 4:30 —…

Does Promotion and Marketing Exhaust You, Too?

Art of Column Writing By Suzette Martinez Standring 2004-06 President National Society of Newspaper Columnists Promote, stand out, and work social media! Gee, I’m exhausted. I adore writing, but I am bothered and bewildered by all that I must do “to get it out there.” I only like twittering when birds do it. Is there…

Contesting a Foolish Worry

Click image for rules and entry form

President’s Message By Eric Heyl President National Society of Newspaper Columnists In retrospect, the email’s timing could have been better. I don’t recall much about the day except a random check of my inbox that proved startling. It was a communique from Sheila Stroup, a columnist from the Times-Picayune in New Orleans, whom I didn’t…

2013 Column Contest Is Open!

Thomas Jefferson's portable desk. Yes, the one on which he wrote the Declaration of Independence. From the Smithsonian.

By Mike Deupree NSNC Contest Chair Remember those columns or blogs you wrote during 2012 that produced all the letters, e-mails, texts messages and telephone calls? The ones that caused readers to say that you had changed their lives, or to threaten that they would change yours? Those sound like possible winners in the annual…

In the March Newsletter

The March issue of The e-Columnist, emailed to all members March 1, contains news of interest: President Eric Heyl recalls his first contest win. Deadline for entries April 1. Lifestyle speakers for June conference have varied backgrounds. Suzette Standing has an informative interview with former syndicated columnist Ellen Goodman. East Texas columnist, 101, is a…

Summer Conference Offers Sponsorship Opportunities

Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

Underwriters of Hartford Convention Receive Substantial Recognition Sponsorship opportunities are still available for the 37th annual conference of the National Society of Newspaper Columnists in Hartford, Conn., June 27-30, 2013. For more information, please complete our Contact Form right away. We invite foundations, trade associations and nonprofits; and corporations, small businesses and individuals to consider…