NSNC Announces Annual Columnist Contest Winners and Finalists

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NSNC Announces Annual Columnist Contest Winners and Finalists

NSNC is pleased to announce the winners and finalists of the 2024 Annual Columnist Contest. Congratulations to all of the winners and finalists: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1rsKFedu_jH5tYw6_hN1pRltusDBuJ2sX7QIv4hhGp1E/edit?usp=sharing

Join NSNC and Reap the Benefits!

Hope your New Year is off to an amazing start. We are excited for What’s in-store for NSNC members this year. We will also be launching our annual contest in January, so you’ll want to be sure your membership is up-to-date. Also, if you have ideas, suggestions, etc., please share with our president, Lori Duff, at lori@loriduffwrites.com or myself at nsncdirector@gmail.com Blessings to all!

‘Startlegram’ Drops ‘Watchdog’ Columnist

Turkey vulture, Cathartes aura, 2007. Photo Joshin Yamada, Wikipedia

The circling turkey vultures of corporate newspaper ownership landed in Fort Worth this week. Among the downsized Tuesday, Jan. 8, 2013, at the Star-Telegram was its consumer “watchdog” columnist, Dave Lieber. Lieber is the 2002 recipient of the Will Rogers Humanitarian Award of the National Society of Newspaper Columnists and is secretary of the NSNC…

T.G.I. Time to Renew or Join

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President’s Message By Eric Heyl President National Society of Newspaper Columnists The question is well worth pondering. “Why aren’t we promoting the value of NSNC membership?” The query was posed recently in an unsolicited email from long-time NSNC member and author Anne Louise Grimm. Her message recommended selling the organization’s merits not just to columnists,…

In the January Newsletter


Attention, members! Check your email for the January newsletter notice and open it to read news and information about NSNC and your fellow members. In the first issue for 2013: Mike Deupree announces the annual column writing contest is open. President Eric Heyl has a message of interest to all. Suzette Standring writes about an…

2013 Column Contest Rules

Thomas Jefferson's portable desk. Yes, the one on which he wrote the Declaration of Independence. From the Smithsonian.

These are the rules for the 2013 column contest, covering columns published in the 2012 calendar year. (This can stand as a template for revisions in 2014!) First place in each category will receive $300, second place $200 and third place $100, in addition to certificates suitable for framing. Honorable mentions receive certificates. Deadline for…

Set of Year’s Best Columns Boasts 5 NSNC’ers

John Avlon, an award-winning member of the National Society of Newspaper Columnists, today published his list of the best columns of 2012 in his running column in The Daily Beast. The dozen include a piece by Dave Barry, the 2013 winner of NSNC’s Ernie Pyle Lifetime Achievement Award (and Avlon slipped in a second link…

Newtown Shootings Inspire Columns, Blogs

A bit after 9 a.m. local time Friday, Dec. 14, heavily armed 20-year-old Adam Lanza forced his way into Shady Hook Elementary in Newtown, Conn., and killed 20 children and six adults before taking his own life. Earlier, he killed his mother at their home. The guns he took to the school were registered to…