Tag: column writing

The Art of the Interview

In the pandemic, journalists are doing a lot of “Zooming” and are expected to do more live interviews. As journalists, we’re used to conducting interviews for crafting articles that quote and otherwise glean from conversations. In Zoom webinars and other live programs, an interview looks very different. There’s no going back later to cobble quotes…

Learn to Earn More at #NSNC17

President’s Message By Lisa Smith Molinari President National Society of Newspaper Columnists You open the mailbox, and there it is. The envelope is so thin, it seems almost empty. But you know exactly what’s inside. You run a fingernail under the sealed edge, pinch the contents with thumb and forefinger, and hold the precious instrument…

Column-writing: “A whole lot of fun for the first week”

Lisa Smith Molinari

By Lisa Smith Molinari President National Society of Newspaper Columnists Ever had one of those days when everything just falls into place? Yeah, me neither. The ever-increasing demands of the 21st Century have made time management more difficult for everyone, including columnists. Columnists no longer sit quietly in the air-conditioned comfort of their newspaper offices,…

Contest Tock: Ticking Off

Prague Astronomical Clock Schema

By Mike Deupree NSNC Contest Chair You know that terrible feeling of impending doom, the barely suppressed panic, the sweaty palms, the sleepless nights, when you haven’t yet met a deadline? Well, for heaven’s sake, why go through that when all you have to do to avoid it is get your entries submitted for the…

How to Pitch a How-To Column

Writers’ Academy Article previously published in Freelance Focus at PR Newswire, 3/21/2012   By Suzette Martinez Standring   Maybe you write an informational or how-to column or blog based on a passionate interest. A popular column is an unbeatable platform for self-expression. Whether it’s about woodworking, social media, or pets, prepare your pitch to an…

President’s Message – Axis of Nice

By Ben S. Pollock NSNC President   Had a bizarre dream the other night, that World War III had started. I saw Dianne Feinstein, she having moved up from senator to secretary of state or vice president, holding a news conference. She announced the U.S. ambassador to Turkey had died in a suspicious plane crash. A…

Columnist quits over edited column

Scott Burgess, Detroit News auto writer, has quit his job because a highly critical column was edited, according to Ray Wert of the popular auto blog, Jalopnik. The blog claims that the edit was due to pressure from auto advertisers who did not like Burgess’ assessment of the Chrysler 200. The Chrysler 200 is the…

A TV Show Starring You … Why Not?

Art of Column Writing By Suzette Martinez Standring NSNC Past President The possibility to host your own TV show may be easier than you think and if you are so inclined, be encouraged. Since last June, I’ve hosted “It’s All Write with Suzette,” a 30 minute how-to program on the craft of column writing.  The…

Guide to Publishing Your e-Book

you, the columnist By Dave Lieber Fort Worth Star-Telegram Columnist www.YankeeCowboy.com Are you ready to publish an e-book? When I decided this summer to jump in to this rapidly-growing market, I searched the Internet for an up-to-date guide showing how to do it yourself, who to contact and what the difficulties are. Couldn’t find one.…

Video: Suzette Interviews Zezima

Suzette Martinez Standring

It’s All Write With Suzette, Guest: Jerry Zezima – Humor Writing from Suzette Standring on Vimeo. It’s All Write With Suzette is a how-to writing program for novice and seasoned columnists covering various aspects column writing and book authorship.

Standring lands TV Show

Suzette Martinez Standring

   A new TV show, It’s All Write with Suzette, will share tips into the art of column writing, hosted by Suzette Martinez Standring on Milton (MA) Cable Access TV (Channel 8).   The half-hour segment will feature writing advice, sample columns and featured columnist guests who will share insights into the writing process.  The estimated…

Column about Columns


By  Trisha Blanchet  The Sun,  Lowell, Mass.     Writing a column is a lot like slapping a bumper sticker onto your car. You feel strongly about something, stick it up there for the world to see, and then forget about it. But you never know what that guy behind you is thinking as he drives along.…

Views on Writing Contests


A Way to Build Name Recognition By Monica McCabe Cardoza   Entering a contest says a lot about your devotion to your craft. It proves that you take column writing seriously enough to want to be recognized for it. But before you say, “Oh, I never win those things,” consider this: Winning a top prize…