Tag: columnist

Write to Unite

Register now $25 for NSNC Members. Register Here – Login to access your discount. $45 if you are Not a Member of the NSNC.  Register Here (SPJ members Use CINCYSPJ Coupon Code Here for discounted rate) Not a Member? Join Now! Together in partnership with the Cincinnati chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists, the NSNC presents Write…

Welcome, George Will

Together in partnership with The Society of Professional Journalists, the NSNC presents A Night with George Will, the recipient of The National Society of Newspaper Columnists’ 2020 Ernie Pyle Lifetime Achievement Award. On Thursday, December 3 at 8 p.m. (ET), legendary conservative columnist George Will will reflect on the highs and lows of his career, his…

Man of Many Words Asks Alex

DEAR ALEX, My editor wants me to trim my weekly column word maximum from 650 down to 500. I also run a photo I have taken which sometimes doesn’t get used, except on their website. As a freelancer I have little input on decisions so should I just accept the new number? — MAN OF…

Tribes and Tribulations

by Bonnie Jean Feldkamp Director of Media We’re talking to columnists about what it means to be an opinion writer in today’s market. This is the second article in the series. Adversity inspires solidarity. When things go wrong we turn to those who understand and support. As members of the press, things have definitely gone…

Have Questions? Ask Alex.

Do you ever wish you had a mentor to give you advice about the business? Sure, we have the Columnist Clubhouse as a place where anyone can go to gather, share and offer support. Of course, you can always post questions there. But people don’t always see every post and let’s face it, maybe you…

NSNC Thrives With a Little Help From Friends

By Lisa Smith Molinari President National Society of Newspaper Columnists I was just outside Mrs. Rowley’s kindergarten class, giggling uncontrollably. Dancing in the coat room was all Marshall’s idea. He was just a little guy, with a skin condition  and an odd personal aroma. But having been his table mate for months, I knew he…