Tag: journalist interviews

The Art of the Interview

In the pandemic, journalists are doing a lot of “Zooming” and are expected to do more live interviews. As journalists, we’re used to conducting interviews for crafting articles that quote and otherwise glean from conversations. In Zoom webinars and other live programs, an interview looks very different. There’s no going back later to cobble quotes…

Dave Astor’s Book Reveals 25 Years at E&P

A Book That Includes A Lot About Our Organization! Comic (and Column) Confessional, a memoir by NSNC board member Dave Astor, has found a publisher. The part-humorous book — which will be released this June by Xenos Press — is about Dave’s 25 years at Editor & Publisher magazine covering columnists, cartoonists, and newspaper syndication.…

Video – 60 Minutes “Walk-Offs”

Famous interview subjects rip off their microphones and storm off the “60 Minutes” set. With that, the interview is over. These are called “walk-offs” and are practically a tradition at “60 Minutes” according to 60 Minutes Overtime  an internet site that “begins where the television broadcast ends.”