Tag: newspaper columnists

The Art of the Interview

In the pandemic, journalists are doing a lot of “Zooming” and are expected to do more live interviews. As journalists, we’re used to conducting interviews for crafting articles that quote and otherwise glean from conversations. In Zoom webinars and other live programs, an interview looks very different. There’s no going back later to cobble quotes…

New Memoir Highlights Columnists and NSNC

When you stay in one job for a quarter century as Comic (and Column) Confessional author Dave Astor did, it helps to have good reasons for doing so. Here are a few: Heloise, Arianna Huffington, Ann Landers, Abigail Van Buren, David Broder, Ellen Goodman, George Will, Erma Bombeck, Dave Barry, Art Buchwald, Walter Cronkite, Hillary…

2012 – Year of the Hardworking Writer

January is the month to assess your career goals and to renew your National Society of Newspaper (NSNC) membership. Just click on the “JOIN or RENEW” Tab on the website and put this professional organization on your resume. Your membership also entitles you to bragging rights on your blog, social networking sites, and  discounts for…

Why papers are dying: Lewis Grizzard died first

  By Dave Lieber Fort Worth Star-Telegram www.YankeeCowboy.com   One of my pet peeves is when people come up to me and say, “It’s a shame that the Internet is killing newspapers.” I heartily disagree. Newspapers survived for 15 years with the Internet offering our stuff for free. What’s killing newspapers, first and foremost, is…

What’s Your Best Column Ever?

Contest Entries Pile Up

you, the columnist  By Dave Lieber Fort Worth Star-Telegram Columnist www.YankeeCowboy.com   Nice publicity hit on the top-15-columns-of-all-time survey at the NSNC conference. Book researcher polls our membership. Results make news.    Thanks to Newsweek-The Daily Beast senior political columnist John Avlon for asking us to help him do research for his new book, Deadline…

Ambrose Bierce, old-time columnist

Dave Lieber, in a  column on this site, suggested that we should all learn more about Ambrose Bierce. To that end, here’s my column in InterCounty Newspapers, Pennsylvania, from April 16, 2003. Of All Things By James Smart The National Society of Newspaper Columnists annually designates April 18 National Newspaper Columnists Day. That brings to…