Previously published in NCEW (National Conference of Editorial Writers) Newsletter By Jim Boren, Editorial Page Editor The Fresno Bee @boren4507 Use Twitter daily (even weekends) to promote your editorials, columns, letters, stories. It will drive page views, and that makes the boss happy. Increase your reach beyond your followers by using hashtags — #schools,…
Tag: twitter
Meet One of America’s Best Social Media Columnists

You, the Columnist By Dave Lieber Fort Worth Star-Telegram Columnist Years ago, in this space, I wrote a piece wondering what the 21st century columnist would be like. Of course, I got it wrong. I didn’t understand how social media, not yet invented, would change what we do. I didn’t realize that the 21st…
Let’s be honest…

by Sheila Moss, WebEditor In a recent column of advice to journalism students, Robert Niles warned, “Be careful what you post online as it reflects upon the reputation you are trying to build.” As it turns out, truer words were never spoken for Sports Columnist Mike Wise of the Washington Post who got himself in…
Social media was built for YOU…
Sound Bites From a Self-Styled Twit

By Laura Snyder Nationally Syndicated Columnist “Survive and Thrive” may have been the theme of this year’s conference, but Twitter was the name and Tweeting was the game. It was everywhere. Each speaker had some very innovative ideas for getting us through the paper-to-digital transition, but the underlined advice in nearly every speech was “You…